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- why is the park on the charterhouse feilds rubish and do you have any plans to make it better (1 comments)
- why do we have to learn history (1 comments)
- how do you deal whit anti-social behaviour in stoke (1 comments)
- what do you do in your job and what hours do you work (1 comments)
- What can you claim for on expenses as a councillor?
- Do your polictical views and alliances affect your friendships outside of politics?
- how do me and my mate get to be a councillor?
- Some young people in our Foleshill Our Choice Group asked – Would you be willing to visit on of our Our Choice sessions (1 Comment)
- Some young people from our Foleshill Our Choice asked – Why are there not more checks done on young people to find out
- Some young people from our Foleshill Our Choice Group asked – We don’t always feel safe walking around Foleshill, is
- Who would in in a fight between the 2 remaining Cllrs??> (1 Comment)
- When are there going to be lights put on the courts in the Hillfields area, so that young people can use the courts (1 Comment)
- Hi I am the Youth Worker at Ernesford and the Young People have some questions for you: Can you make a park in lower
- Hi I am the Youth Worker at Ernesford and the Young People have some questions for you: Could we have better goals (2 Comments)
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