Questions in category 'Local Facilities'
When are there going to be lights put on the courts in the Hillfields area, so that young people can use the courts by ourchoice to Ed, Lynnette, Rae Category: Local Facilities. Comments: (So far, one comment)
Hi I am the Youth Worker at Ernesford and the Young People have some questions for you: Can you make a park in lower by tammyb to Ed, Lynnette, Rae Category: Local Facilities. Comments: (Comments Off on Hi I am the Youth Worker at Ernesford and the Young People have some questions for you: Can you make a park in lower)
Hi I am the Youth Worker at Ernesford and the Young People have some questions for you: Could we have better goals by tammyb to Ed, Lynnette, Rae Category: Local Facilities. Comments: (so far, 2 comments)
Hi I am the Youth Worker at Ernesford and I have some question from the YP Can you make a park nearer Ernesford and by tammyb to Ed, Lynnette, Rae Category: Local Facilities. Comments: (Comments Off on Hi I am the Youth Worker at Ernesford and I have some question from the YP Can you make a park nearer Ernesford and)
Hi I am the Youth Worker at Ernesford and the Young People have some questions for you: Can you put more street by tammyb to Ed, Lynnette, Rae Category: Local Facilities. Comments: (Comments Off on Hi I am the Youth Worker at Ernesford and the Young People have some questions for you: Can you put more street)
what could u do to improve the parks in radford by midge to Ed, Jim, Lynnette, Rae Category: Local Facilities. Comments: (Comments Off on what could u do to improve the parks in radford)
Would you be able to get more lesiure facillities in longford because there is nothing to do which causes more people by jnadebrady to David, Ed, Jim, Kevin, Lynnette, Rae Category: Local Facilities. Comments: (Comments Off on Would you be able to get more lesiure facillities in longford because there is nothing to do which causes more people)
are u building skate parks in stoke by naughtonk to David, Ed, Jim, Kevin, Lynnette, Rae Category: Local Facilities. Comments: (Comments Off on are u building skate parks in stoke)
why is the park on the charterhouse feilds rubish and do you have any plans to make it better by wabec to Kevin Category: Local Facilities. Comments: (so far, 3 comments)
I live in cheylesmore and i was wondering if you can rebuild by laauren to Lynnette Category: Local Facilities. Comments: (so far, 3 comments)
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- Who would in in a fight between the 2 remaining Cllrs??> (1 comments)
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- Some young people in our Foleshill Our Choice Group asked - Would you be willing to visit on of our Our Choice sessions (1 comments)
- Hi I am the Youth Worker at Ernesford and the Young People have some questions for you: Could we have better goals (2 comments)
- When are there going to be lights put on the courts in the Hillfields area, so that young people can use the courts (1 comments)
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