Question: Hi I am the Youth Worker at Ernesford and the Young People have some questions for you: What are you plans to change the education system to make lessons more practical (I have re-worded the question on behalf of the YP involved)
Asked by tammyb to Ed, Lynnette, Rae on 14 Oct 2010 in Categories: Education.
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Councillors don’t make decisions to change lessons, schools follow the curriculum and its up to each teacher as to how the deliver it. I think the introduction of GCSE has make lessons easier than having one big exam at the end of the year.
I know the Government has plans to ensure that all schools have more apprenticeship places so pupils can study more practical subjects and learn a profession while still at school, such as an electrician, plumbing and many other professions.
The responsibility is with the teacher to make learning more engaging, as there is no point sitting there if what you are being taught does not mean anything to you, its always good to use your imagination to make learning more enjoyable and that goes for teachers and pupils.
The new diplomas that have been introduced in some subjects should be doing just that.
I am encouraging schools to make use of a whole range of teaching methods, making sure htat the teaching is geared towards the needs of the students, so everyone can learn. No one method is always best and different people learn best in different ways.
I am also working to make sure that our colleges and schools work together, so that some students do part of their studying at college and part in school – some studnets do this already – and that often means they do practical work as well as academic.