Question: Hi I am the Youth Worker at Ernesford and the Young People have some questions for you:
We hate dog mess - what plans are there to make people pick it up - question by Tadi
Asked by tammyb
to Ed, Lynnette, Rae on 14 Oct 2010 in Categories: General.
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I hate dog mess too, Yesterday I had a report to say that dog fouling had reduced in the city, if there is a particular area where you have a problem you can report it and the council will work with you to sort out the problem
I know the Council has plans where neighbourhood wardens will soon have the power to issue on the spot fines about £50 to people who let their dogs poo in public places and don’t pick it up.
I’d like the Council to ensure that dogs aren’t allowed near children’s play areas, so as to prevent dog mess altogether because the dogs won’t be allowed near the equipment altogether.
I was recently running around Coventry Memorial Park and was doing press ups and I put my hand in some dog mess, I can’t really say what I said at the time but it was really annoying to put it mildly…urgghh! 🙁
We can fine people if they are caught letting their dog mess on the street, but we need to catch them. In my area what we have done is people tell us about particular people and their dogs that are a problem, and what time they usually take their dog for a walk, so we can try to catch them. Once someone has been fined once they usually learn to clean up after their dog, and the word goes around and it encourages other people too.
We can also get more bins – sometimes they argue there is nowhere to put the mess and they don’t want to walk miles with it in their pocket.
So as with lots of things, report problems to the council or your councillor, and we might be able to help.