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Coventry City Council

Question: do you no if the police patroll stoke

Asked by wabec to David on 8 Oct 2010 in Categories: .

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  • Photo: David SkinnerDavid Skinner answered on 8 Oct 2010:

    I am sure they do, but as I do not represent Stoke, I leave it to others to answer.



  • Photo: KevinKevin commented on 10 Oct 2010:

    Hi Wabec, the stoke area is covered by a local policing team. They can be contacted via e-mail at: lowerstoke@west-midlands.pnn.police.uk

    I know they are always keen to get feedback so do drop them a line.


  • Photo: JimJim commented on 12 Oct 2010:

    I know they do so you’d better watch out!
