I became a Councillor because I wanted to make a difference and because I believed that Coventry City Council was going in the wrong direction at that time. I also felt that being a Councillor was not something that should only be done by those over 40. The Councillor I replaced in 2002 was over 50 years older than me.
You cannot change the whole world by becoming a Councillor, but you can make a real difference to it. Some politicians are happy to join pressure groups or think tanks and just treat politics as a debating game. That was not for me and I am pleased to be able to look back at some real achievements over the last 8 years.
I wanted to become a councillor as I remember at the time, some of friends who were councillors before I was, and I thought to myself I could do that it doesn’t seem that difficult, I just needed the confidence and belief in myself to put my name forward and do it.
I’m glad I did its the best decision I’ve made as I’ve learnt and experienced so much. Would you be interested in becoming a councillor one day?
Because I believed I could make some difference to peoples lives in Coventry. I’ve always believed that by political action you can make huge differences. Every time you go to school, get on a bus, go to the doctors, walk down the street or go down the park you’ll see the results of political action. Somewhere, someone has made a decision for better or worse which creates the world we all live in. Politics matters!
I wanted to be a councillor because I’m very proud of my city, and I wanted to give something back. I also believe that my party (Labour) is the one with the policies that will make Coventry even better, and I wanted to help my party put those policies in place.
I’ve always been involved in local politics and so becoming a councillor was a natural step for me. I wanted to make a difference to my area and my city and improve it for everyone.
We need more women councillors though; there are too many men on the council!
To help people, above all those without much money or influence. And it is genuinely interesting, even if Councillors are constantly criticised.
I served in some very dangerous places, where genuine attempts were made to kill British diplomatic staff, so local criticism is nothing by comparison with that.
I became a Councillor because I wanted to make a difference and because I believed that Coventry City Council was going in the wrong direction at that time. I also felt that being a Councillor was not something that should only be done by those over 40. The Councillor I replaced in 2002 was over 50 years older than me.
You cannot change the whole world by becoming a Councillor, but you can make a real difference to it. Some politicians are happy to join pressure groups or think tanks and just treat politics as a debating game. That was not for me and I am pleased to be able to look back at some real achievements over the last 8 years.
I wanted to become a councillor as I remember at the time, some of friends who were councillors before I was, and I thought to myself I could do that it doesn’t seem that difficult, I just needed the confidence and belief in myself to put my name forward and do it.
I’m glad I did its the best decision I’ve made as I’ve learnt and experienced so much. Would you be interested in becoming a councillor one day?
Because I believed I could make some difference to peoples lives in Coventry. I’ve always believed that by political action you can make huge differences. Every time you go to school, get on a bus, go to the doctors, walk down the street or go down the park you’ll see the results of political action. Somewhere, someone has made a decision for better or worse which creates the world we all live in. Politics matters!
I wanted to be a councillor because I’m very proud of my city, and I wanted to give something back. I also believe that my party (Labour) is the one with the policies that will make Coventry even better, and I wanted to help my party put those policies in place.
I’ve always been involved in local politics and so becoming a councillor was a natural step for me. I wanted to make a difference to my area and my city and improve it for everyone.
We need more women councillors though; there are too many men on the council!
To help people, above all those without much money or influence. And it is genuinely interesting, even if Councillors are constantly criticised.
I served in some very dangerous places, where genuine attempts were made to kill British diplomatic staff, so local criticism is nothing by comparison with that.