Question: Hi I am the Youth Worker at Ernesford and the Young People have some questions for you: YP are worried that EMA will be cut and want to know what finacial support there will be for YP in the future while there are studying? Question by Sahib
Asked by tammyb to Ed, Lynnette, Rae on 14 Oct 2010 in Categories: Youth issues.
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There is a website called who are fighting to keep EMA & will give you the latest on Government proposals.. I know it sounds like a cop out but this government is cutting so much and making so many changes its difficult to predict what will be next
I understand the EMA was brought in originally as an incentive to ensure more children stayed on in further education after 16, however the Government have plans to raise the leaving age from 16 to 18 on a compulsory basis, so the incentive for 16 year olds to stay on in education is not there as it would be compulsory to attend school.
However, I would argue that it should remain as the EMA is there to help more children from lower income backgrounds to stay on in education and not be financially restricted in developing their education.
All the benefit changes are being decided by government, not by the council, and we don’t know yet exactly what will be cut or by how much. I can promise you I would be campaigning against cuts to EMA because it really helps young people staying on at school or going to college.
I’m also worried about those that want to go to university when the fees go up, but again that’s a government decision.