Question: Hi I am the Youth Worker at Ernesford and the Young People have some questions for you:
What plans are there to improve the schools especially Ernesford who was promised money to rebuild
Asked by tammyb
to Ed, Lynnette, Rae on 14 Oct 2010 in Categories: Education.
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Lynnette can probably answer this one better than me but in a nutshell the government scrapped building schools for the future & so non of coventrys schools will benefit. Until 20.10.10 and the government announce what they are doing with money no one knows what if anything will be done to help schools in Coventry or anywhere.
I was very upset when the plans for all our schools were scrapped. My youngest is at Westwood and that was to be one of the first to be done. I hope we will know more after the government announces the spending review on 20th October but we can’t do much unless they give us some money. Sorry icant give a better answer.
It’s disgraceful really as all secondary schools in Coventry were promised that their schools would be rebuilt or refurbished to provide modern buildings and facilities. However the new Conservative Government have abolished those plans and won’t be spending money on improving the schools, which is wrong and unfair and some of the conditions of the schools are in poor condition.
I know that the Labour MPs and Labour Councillors for Coventry lobbied and put pressure on Michael Gove, who is the Conservative Education Minister to change his mind on this issue, but he wouldn’t listen. 🙁