Question: Hi I am the Youth Worker at Ernesford and the Young People have some questions for you:
We really like the banksy exhibition are there more plans for this type of event at the Herbert
Asked by tammyb
to Ed, Lynnette, Rae on 14 Oct 2010 in Categories: General.
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I love Banksy ( I like the gorrilla with the pink face mask)and didn’t get chance to go to Bristol to see it. It would be a real coup for coventry to get an exhibition like that. I’ll check out the Herbert website & email them with the suggestion.
Glad you like it the staff there were very proud of it so I shall pass your comment on. I don’t know all the plans but they have got a special display on work by a Coventry artist soon and I know they are keen to get young people into the Herbert and interested in art so maybe they will.
*update* passed on your comment, they were glad you liked it and said don’t forget the Banksy film that is on there on the 21st Oct at 7pm (you need to cal lthem on 7629 4774 to book a seat), and also the street art workshops on between 25th and 29th Oct at 10.30 and 1.30 where you can try out street art yourself and learn different techniques.
I’m not sure but I really really hope so, I’m a big fan of banksy as his art is funny but political as well, so what he creates always has a meaning to it and he uses art to make people think about different issues.
His new ideas are definitely encouraging more and more young people to become interested in art which can only be a good thing.