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Coventry City Council

Question: Hi I am the Youth Worker at Ernesford and the Young People have some questions for you: Can you put more street lights in lower stoke/ and on stoke green - it is dark and I feel unsafe

Asked by tammyb to Ed, Lynnette, Rae on 14 Oct 2010 in Categories: .

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  • Photo: Rachel LancasterRachel Lancaster answered on 14 Oct 2010:

    All street lights in Coventry are being replaced with new improved lighting. If you email me with the particular area I’ll find out whats planned there. rachel.lancaster@ coventry.gov.uk


  • Photo: Ed RuaneEd Ruane answered on 14 Oct 2010:

    I can take this issue up with the Council to provide better street lighting, what specific streets need better lighting? Please let me know the names of the streets to see if anything can be done about it.


  • Photo: Lynnette KellyLynnette Kelly answered on 14 Oct 2010:

    Ok tammy I’ll try to get that sorted. there are new lights going in at various places across the city starting soon, but i don’t know where they are going first. I know who to talk to so I’ll do my best.

