Question: What are young people going to gain from the new housing projects being as there were young people's consultation?
Asked by ourchoicecanley to Ed, Jim, Lynnette, Rae on 13 Oct 2010 in Categories: Youth issues.
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Everyone gains from new housing! Unless of course it is built on the green belt which Labour pledge not to do!
I know the housing development in the NDC area will give apprenticeship opportunities, work experience, all those kind of things. That should be the case in other large developments, with developers being asked about apprenticeships, work with local colleges and so on.
If young people are consulted properly they should gain changes that they want such as youth centres, play areas, better jobs, etc, only by listening and properly engaging with young people can organisations such as the Council and property developers provide good facilities for young people which they want and will use so everyone feels that they are part of the community.