Question: Would you be able to get more lesiure facillities in longford because there is nothing to do which causes more people to cause trouble?
Asked by jnadebrady to David, Ed, Jim, Kevin, Lynnette, Rae on 12 Oct 2010 in Categories: Local Facilities.
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All round the City, people would like more leisure facilities. But as I do not represent Longford, I will leave this to others to answer.
We’re planning on putting in a new play area in Longford park, will that help? You should hear about it soon, as we are going to be consulting young people in the area to make sure you get what you want (not what we think you ought to have).
I’m not sure which part of Longford you’re in, but if you can get to it the new Moat House leisure centre is really good. It’s in Wood End, very close to Henley college.
The best advice I can give you is to contact your 3 Longford councillors who represent your area, they are Lindsley Harvard – , Linda Bigham and George Duggins send them an email and ask what action they would look to take to provide better leisure facilities for the Longford area.
I know they will take this matter very seriously and ask questions of the Council for a full written response.
Unfortunately I don’t represent Longford but you can find the Councillors that do on the Council website. They are Lindsley Harvard, George Duggins and Linda Bigham who all work hard for their area so could point you in the right direction I am sure. The only comment I would make though is this: not having a specific facility shouldn’t mean someone will then cause trouble. It can never be an excuse.
As a Councillor for Cheylesmore my job is to fight for better facilities for the area I represent, yet if elected as Youth Champion I would be able to represent the needs of young people across the whole city.
My approach would be to meet with people in the area, perhaps via the Longford Forum, to find out what was needed and how current facilities could be improved. It is about knowing what people want, rather than providing what I think they do.
I can talk to your local councillors and you can too, they are George Duggins, Lindsley Harvard & Linda Bigham. I know they work hard in Longford trying to support residents. Are there no youth clubs in Longford? if not why not help start one?